Brevity. Levity. Clarity.

Writing for an internal audience is very different than other stakeholders. They have a different relationship to the organization, they belong to it. Whatever channel(s) you are using, know why you are communicating and carefully craft messages that are efficient, effective, and engaging.

Writing for multiple mediums

From blog posts to Slack posts, speeches to scripts…writing for an internal audience is a special skill. For starters, everyone in your organization is very busy, so your message better be engaging, quick and to the point!

Video production

Organizations that effectively use video as part of their internal communications strategy tend to be industry leaders in engagement and culture. In particular, this can be an effective way to humanize your executive team, and distill complex information into digestible and memorable messages.

Event production

Whether in person or virtual (or both), live staff events present a huge opportunity for fostering acohesive culture and expanding relationships within the organization. Done well, these engagements can help your people feel more connected. Done poorly, you’re likely to induce a lot of cringes and eye rolls.

Podcast production

Some organizations have turned to podcasts as a way of connecting with their staff. It requires less attention than video content where your eyes need to be locked on a screen, and can be extremely effective as a storytelling tool. Great for commuters, and staff who may not use a computer regularly for their job.